Incompetence played a huge role in the failed assassination of Donald Trump. Sure, when the gunshots were heard and Trump ducked for cover, secret service agents rushed to him and used their bodies to protect him. That’s what they volunteered and were trained to do. I have great respect for these agents. But their leadership is grossly incompetent.

I’m speaking mainly about Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle. In 2022, President Biden appointed her to lead the department, saying, “She has my complete trust.”
Prior to her appointment, Cheatle served as the Senior Director of Global Security at Pepsi’s North American facilities. She was also a Secret Service agent for 27 years, including serving on Vice President Biden’s security detail. She’s clearly an accomplished woman.
The problem is that her priorities are mixed up. She’s devoted to promoting one of my favorite bugaboos—DEI. When she took her current post, she pledged to ensure that about 30% of agents would be female.
There was a time when people were hired based on their qualifications, not their genitals. I’m sure there are terrific women Secret Service agents, but not if they’re short, overweight, and can’t even properly holster their sidearms. There were several seconds when Trump was exposed. What if there had been a second or third sniper? And Trump was uncovered because that female agent was too short to cover his 6’3 frame.
The Secret Service's director of equity calls spreading DEI within the agency a "mission imperative" and the "ultimate goal." The agency is hosting seminars on "respectful use of pronouns."
Loucious Hires III, the executive director of the Secret Services' Office of Equity, has said diversity, equity, and inclusion are "a topic that is difficult for some to talk about.” He noted in a recruitment brochure that the agency was striving to be the "gold standard" of DEI.
Hires outlined how every action at the Secret Service should be informed by DEI and claimed the ideology makes the organization stronger. According to the director, employees should consider how every action is reflective of equity. "I could talk on and on about what the agency is doing to promote DEI in every action of every day," he said.
"The IEC’s collective duty is to help the Secret Service build, foster, create, and inspire a workforce where diversity and inclusion are not just 'talked about.' The IEC wants to go beyond pushing for equal employment opportunities to change the culture "outside the agency’s mandated requirements."
If that’s not enough, wait ‘till you see this.
Andrew "Drew" Cannady is a supervisory attorney-advisor. He said on the agency’s podcast that the agency has been attending Pride events to recruit candidates and has seen more transgender people in the service as a result.
"We benefit from diversity. And I actually am seeing more openly… trans recruits out of the training center, law enforcement recruits, which is great.” He added that the Secret Service has implemented programming to educate its workforce on how to use pronouns.
"We will put on things during Unity Day, which, for listeners, is the annual day of the Secret Service, where we celebrate various groups… that the Secret Service has in its workforce.
"We're going to have, I think, a Secret Service booth at Capitol Pride here in D.C. We're going to do something in Atlanta and New York. It's really a chance for us to be physically present at these Pride events. And, you know, people who might be curious about law enforcement or the Secret Service can come talk to members of the community and really get our experience with it. So, I'm really excited about it."
Are you kidding me? Is this guy serious?
The Secret Service has a serious mission, but under its current leadership, it’s being used as a social experiment. And it’s not just the Secret Service. It’s also infected our military, the FBI, airlines, and air traffic control. We are being put at risk for the sake of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Many large corporations are also embracing DEI.
If I’m flying somewhere, do I care if the pilot is white, black, Asian, female, or a transgender male wearing earrings? All I want in that cockpit is someone who’s totally skilled in flying that plane under any conditions. If you are having open heart surgery, does it matter if the surgeon is black, white, Asian, or female? I doubt it. You want the most qualified person to do the job.
What’s the political impact of all this? More cynicism and skepticism by Americans. Still, another elite institution has failed.
It doesn’t have to be this way. America doesn’t work anymore. That’s why there is nostalgia about the 80s. America wasn’t broken back then.
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Frank Victoria is an award-winning author and screenwriter. He’s been an Amazon bestseller with his recent book, The Founders’ Plot, a political thriller for our times. He donates proceeds of his books to Tunnels to Towers and Fisher House, helping military veterans and first responders. His novella, The Ultimate Bet, is available on his website and Amazon. Check out his new website:
© 2024 Frank Victoria